Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Construct a Parametric Solid by Extruding a Profile Along a Trace Curve

  1. Select the Tube Feature tool.
  2. Select the trace curve.

    The trace curve highlights.

  3. Select the section profile.

    The section profile highlights, and the solid is displayed.

  4. Enter a data point to accept, or Reset to reject, the solid.

    Left (Top View) Select the trace curve (1) and the profile at the attachment point (3). | Right (Iso View) Accept to complete the construction (3).

    You can reverse the orientation of the profile by selecting the trace at the opposite end.

    When constructions are turned on in a view, the profile and trace curve are visible (shown dashed).

    Examples of extrusion with Thickness set to a negative value (left) and a positive value (right)